Category archives: Uncategorized

  • Our Busy Season

  • We have been so busy with photos all summer that we just haven't had time to keep our blog up to date. But feel free to check out some of the photos from our busy season over in our client proofs section (some of the photos are password protected, per the request of our client).
  • Larissa & Hector's Engagement Photos

  • Jessica was so happy with her Engagement and Bridal photos that she recommended our services to her friend Larissa. We just got back from shooting Larissa and Hector's Engagement photos. They are such a cute couple. We especially loved watching them dance. We even switched our Canon 5D Mark II in to HD video mode a[...]
  • Free Culture vs Copyright law

  • We're often asked why we don't believe in copyrighting the photography we shoot for our clients,  so I thought I'd sit down and explain, but first, watch this flash movie, it pretty much sums up my feelings perfectly: No really, watch it, I'll wait. You done? Okay, now let me explain it from my perspective... [...]
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